We receive calls almost daily from people who bought cheap online personal insurance and now have a problem, or from people who have had other problems and now need a trusted advisor to help them out. If you have homeowner’s insurance or other personal insurance, we can help guide you through any issues you may have.
How To Minimize Personal Insurance Problems
Keep your insurance policies in a safe but accessible place.
Tell your family about the details of your life insurance.
Use an independent agent to help you understand your insurance.
Review your insurance needs annually. Often you may make purchases that will require a change to your insurance.
Don’t rent out your primary home through online temporary rental sites; you may not have coverage.
Make a home inventory of all your personal property.
Don’t use your personal auto for a pay for hire online taxi service. Your auto coverage does not apply to taxi services.
Make sure you pay your premiums on time.
Auto ID cards serve a purpose; keep them in your vehicle.
If you have a change in marital status, make sure you update all your insurance policies.
Do not fail to add life insurance for the stay at home spouse. A loss of the main caretaker can cost thousands every month.
Get your teen driver into a driver’s education course, and make sure their grades are kept up to get the good student discount.